Had a very fun weekend in Caltavuturo. I stayed with my host mothers family, which means big Italian meals every day. I met my host brothers cousin, Filippo, who was very cool and fun to hang out with. The first day was mostly just showing me around, the second day I walked around with Alissandro (host brother) and Filippo. We walked around the town, got some gelato and just talked. Later that night the family went out for pizza and one of the uncles brought friends of his from Palermo. Of course since I am staying in Palermo they had many questions for me and about me. The pizza here is good, but I think the hype was unreal. Don't get me wrong, it's great, but I have been to New York City... pretty much the same if not better. Another weird thing is how much Italians eat. They almost never snack throughout the day so they save their hunger for the meals. Except breakfast, they seem to hate it. When you go to a pizzeria with people and order pizza everyone gets their own pizza. Not too bad right. Except for the fact that everyone gets like a medium size all to themselves. A lot of Italians hate it when you do not finish everything on your plate, so every time I try to wolf down the giant thing. Almost every time I fail. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people chew food with their mouth open, you can just hear everything that is going on in there and ugh... the lip smacking. It is fantastic that my host brother only eats like this, another fantastic thing is that he loves to eat. A lot. If his brother does not finish, he eats it, he eats so much sometimes his mom tells/orders him to stop. So much lip smacking... it hurts. But back to the main subject, the weekend was nice. I have attached photos