Halloween, a sacred time of the year for everyone I know. We dress up in costumes, go to school in them, mess around all day and night. Here in Italy however Halloween is not that big of a thing, some kids dress up, no one dresses up to school either. A little disapointing but, what was I expecting right?
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Sour Skittles
I have found out that people from other countries do not know about sour skittles. And of course offered the killer candy to these people and their faces wrinkled up. It was one of the funniest things I have seen in a while. So anyway thinfs are going well, been just chilling at home for the past week after school due to oitlandish amount of rain. I found out I am changing families around the middle of november, this is a curse and a blessing. I have to pack up all of my stuff again, but I also get to get away from some of this families rules. The whole thing should go pretty smoothly.
Monday, October 12, 2015
First Package
Yesterday I got my first package from my family. I was expecting a medium sized package, instead it was large. At first I was confused, "What the heck could be in there". Then I remembered my dad saying he was gonna send a halloween surprise, oh no. It was basically full of american candy. Ridiculous. It is a nice package though, can't wait to eat some skittles.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Captains Log
I have been in Italian territory for a while now observing and studying their strange ways. They teach their young a lot of Philosophy and Latin. I have also observed their obscure math, I am not sure if the math is insane here or if the teacher herself is just writing like a mad man on the blackboard. Back in my home territory I have taken the second hardest math offered to me...but this... it is just weird. I have also noticed strange eating habits. There is not a lot of snacking in this culture, they wait until their lunch and dinner to fill themselves. They also seem to love dressing in clothes and accessories that represent the United States or Britain. I will continue to study these people and take notes along the way. Captain Noah signing off.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
1 Month
Two days ago marked 1 month that I have been in Italy. It has been fun so far, I meet new people every day and most people are really nice. If the rest of the months go as well as this first one I'm gonna have a blast. Another quick note is my fantasy football league just started, so if any of you guys are reading this.... You are gonna get wrecked.